APRIL 2, 2008
Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Jim Dunn, Peter Lacy, Maria Dell'Ovo, Bob Ripley, Glenn Gaudette, Marilynn Foley
Members Absent: Rick Bates
The meeting was called to order at 7:03.
Al reported on Regional Selectmen/Fin Com meeting he attended. Our committee discussed what Al reported concerning the cost of the oil spill cleanup at Jefferson School and the affordability of the WRSD Budget for 5 towns in the region. The Holden Finance Committee will meet with the WRSD Superintendent on April 7.
The Committee received an updated Resource Profile from the Town Manager. A bond issue will go out to bid for $8,000,000.00 for the Public Safety building. It is a good time to borrow as the rates are favorable.
The Committee discussed the use of amount of free cash to start the following F/Y budget. We would like to have some of the free cash kept in reserve. Al handed out a proposed F/Y strategic budget plan for us to discuss. We also need to prepare to deal with a windfall from the WRSDC should they reduce that budget to meet the shortfall in at least 2 member town's budgets.
The Committee reviewed items from the Municipal Budget they wanted further discussion or more information on. Items listed were EMS Services, car allowances, expense of meetings, sidewalks, DPW depreciation fund, Fire truck stabilization fund, need for 2 new police cars, weekend fire coverage, interest income, Hendricks House, Library new position, fund Library books and magazines to the request, health care costs, increase snow budget, Senior Center utilities, do not tax to the levy limit. Paul will compile the list for the next meeting.
The committee discussed having a recording secretary as there might be someone available. A motion by Paul 2nd by Maria to look into finding a recording secretary on a trial basis was voted unanimously.
There will be a Special town meeting to approve borrowing for the oil spill cleanup at Jefferson School, than a ballot vote for a debt exclusion. As yet, we do not have the language for the vote. The Town Manager and the WRSD Superintendent need to give us a firm set of numbers.
A motion by Al 2nd by Jim, the minutes of March 19, 2008 were voted unanimously as amended (abstained Glenn).
A motion by Jim 2nd by Al the minutes of March 26, 2008 were voted unanimously as amended (abstained Peter, Maria).
The meeting adjourned at 9:35.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley